perfectly worn-in


"perfectly worn-in" *  - a lot of times that's what we are looking for when it comes to vintage fashion pieces. And if it happens to be Le Kelly, you know you would have to trade in your dad's car to buy the buckle, and just the buckle. 

* Perfectly worn-in or beat-up: 形容有些古董配件或飾品因陳年累月或使用程度而發展出的自然韻澤, 通常皮革製鞋或是皮包。這樣的質感是現在最流行的搭配元素之一, 因為它讓整體的造型多了一點故事性跟深度, 畢竟從頭到腳都是當季流行新品會讓妳很像服飾店櫥窗裡的假人 - no name.

The latest shot from the amazing French photographer, illustrator and blogger Garance Dore.  Her blog should be your daily fashion fix if you're into anything feminine, sophisticated and Parisian.

 photo by Scott Schumer

1 則留言:

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it's Scott Schuman I believe.