如果你喜歡風格獨具的單品, 千萬別錯過 etsy 網站, 有來自世界各地的賣家賣他們的二手收藏, 或手工作品, 本週末限定商品免運費至世界各地, 只需輸入 code: weekend deals. 以美國時間算的話各位還有大約一天的時間可以逛逛, 其實就算不買, 去晃晃也能有好些靈感妳說是吧!?
check out these super cute silhouette earrings; i love the contrast between the delicate gold plated frame and the minimalist boy's portrait, and look how they're hanging out of a tea cup in the photo! The bubbling scarf is another cute piece; it's in beautiful fall colors and goes with my all black outfits. check out etsy today, if you don't plan to buy anthing, at least get some inspiration!
由左至右: Golden Bronze Antler Stag Hair Pins ; These dreams are taking flight too print ; Vegan Mini Journal ; SWEET CAGE earrings ; Secret Room - A Sterling Silver Charm Necklace