love the necklece.
無意間找到這些 fashion insider 的穿搭街拍就像 shopping 的時候挖到寶一樣。如果妳喜歡 Teen Vogue, 那就不能不知道 Mary-Kate Steinmiller. 她是 Teen Vogue 的市場編輯, 專門為 Teen Vogue 找尋新銳設計師、和他們的作品.
vintage skirt. 美麗的古董裙!
She'd be a great source of inspiration for guests at our upcoming event: Green Fashion Day-to-Night. The look is professional yet shows a bit of her sweet personality - she probably likes things with a girly touch.
對上班族來說, 如果妳喜歡這幾張圖片, Steinmiller 也許可以是妳平日穿搭的靈感:一點點甜甜的個性、有型、又有強烈的專業感。
Seriously, if someone can be featured in the Sartorialist multiple times, that say something.
image sources : first and second streetpeeper / the rest blackeiffel